Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween Craftiness
Labels: candy, crafting, creativity, Halloween
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Not A Prude
Labels: Halloween, homemade costumes, ranting
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Giving credit where credit is due

Labels: creativity, decorating, family, memories, my hubby is awesome
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Maybe it's the changing of the leaves, or the fact that I can tell that each day has less daylight than the one before, but I've never been so aware that winter was coming. Our work pretty much comes to a dead stop in winter. This is the time of year I need to prepare for several lean months. I stock the freezer. I try to put aside enough money in the bank to pay the bills for at least three months. I don't spend money on anything that isn't a necessity. I feel a bit like a squirrel trying to hoard nuts.
Now it just figures that this would be the time I would be inspired to create things too. While everything is dying around me, I want to make things. I want to pretty up my foyer, I want to re-finish my dining room table, I want to build stuff. Oh my goodness how I want to build stuff. Yesterday Jen over at Let's Make It Ours wrote this about how she needs to learn how to use power tools so that she could build all these awesome creations byAna at Now I want to learn how to use power tools too!
It seems like Ana and I have a lot of the same taste in furniture. The expensive Pottery Barn type stuff that I have lusted after for years but would never buy, because I just can't justify spending $600 - $1000 on a cabinet to collect all the crap in my entry way. But I want it, oh how I want it. I've even spent hours looking online for something similarly awesome without the Pottery Barn price tag. No luck. Until yesterday.
See there's Ana with the cabinet I've been lusting after for years, that she MADE herself, and tells me and YOU how to make here. So I'm all gung ho to go buy some wood and start making a cabinet, but crap, just like Jen, I need to learn to use power tools, oh and theres that little thing about not spending any money that isn't absolutely necessary. I do, however, have a husband that is pretty handy and knows how to build stuff. That's what he tells me anyway. We've been married for fifteen years and I can't tell you how many times I've looked at a table or bookshelf that I've wanted and he's told me he could build it cheaper. Except he never does and I end up buying some POS bookshelf made out of particle board at Walmart. Well he did build me a new mantel once, and it was awesome, but that's it.
So today I called him out on it. I said, "For fifteen years you've told me you can build stuff and I've been dreaming of a cabinet like this for almost that long. You MUST build me this cabinet. Oh, and teach me how to use the power tools because there's about 15 more things on Ana's site that I want to build too."
He smiled at me (because I'm so adorable when I'm being demanding), then he told me that he didn't think that saws and I were a good combination. Remember last week when I told you about the ladder rule. Yeah, that totally extends to anything I could maim myself with. He may have said something to the effect of "I've seen you walk". So what if I trip over air, I insisted that if he taught me how to use the the power tools properly I could be safe and retain all my appendages. Finally, he relented and told me he would help me build my cabinet.. Only, in order to do this, he'd need a new saw since his was stolen years ago.
So I can start building stuff as soon as I can find extra money to buy wood and a new saw.
Labels: creativity, furniture, home decor
Sunday, October 24, 2010
When a piece is missing
My hubby just returned from a two week trip. Originally he was only going to be gone for one. I spent the first week being rather productive. I did some blogging. A quiet house is so conducive to blogging. Plus I gave myself a project to complete so I wouldn't have time to be miserable. My project, finish unpacking the boxes in my room. Yeah, I know, we've been in this house since July, but since the hubby and I are the only ones to ever see my room, it's always the last to be cleaned, unpacked, etc. This time however it's taken even longer than usual. The first day I tried to tackle my room I discovered the problem. The closet was all jacked up. There were boxes shoved in it and the clothes were all mixed up, shirts, pants, hubby's stuff, my stuff. I had to clean out and organize the closet before I could do the room. By the end of the week it was done. The room was beautiful and ready for my hubby to be home to enjoy it.
The weekend approached and I was giddy with anticipation, but then he called and asked me if I thought he should stay another week. I wanted nothing in the world more than to have him home, but if he stayed, there would be work. Work would mean a paycheck we wouldn't have otherwise. Paychecks mean we can eat and pay bills and stupid stuff like that. He wanted to come home too. He hates Los Angeles, with it's smog, traffic, and rude people. We both decided to do the smart thing and have him stay another week. To say it was a painful decision would be an understatement. This is when I started crumbling.
That second week he was gone he missed so much.
Our oldest went to Homecoming and he wasn't here too see how beautiful she was.
We had some rain and wind which made our scarecrows fall down.
I didn't have the requisite muscles to make them stand up again.
So they stayed like this, looking like zombie scarecrows.
I think the worst though was missing his birthday. Other than a Facebook wall filled with birthday wishes, his special day passed like any other. He got up, went to work, and returned to his brother's house to sleep on an air mattress. Happy Birthday indeed. So I was determined to do something special for him in honor of his birthday upon his return. I decided I needed to bake him a cake. There's just one small problem. His favorite cake, German Chocolate, and I'm allergic to coconut. As much as it's his day and all, this is cake we are talking about. I can't make it and then not be able to eat it. He got birthday cupcakes instead. Half had German Chocolate frosting and half had Cream Cheese frosting. Compromise people. It's all about the compromise.
Today he got up and made the scarecrows upright again.
Just when I had gotten used to having zombie scarecrows.
Labels: birthday, my hubby is awesome, pity party
Monday, October 18, 2010
My Singing Dryer
Labels: dryer, laundry, Michigan, my hubby is awesome
Thursday, October 14, 2010
This is so cool
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sorry If This Makes You Dizzy
So the past week, while I've been checking in and blogging, I've also been catching up with some of my favorite blogs and finding new ones that are absolutely amazing.
Ready? Here comes the part that's going to make you dizzy.
This is what I did yesterday. All day, while the kids were at school.
I was checking out the blogs I follow and I saw a post on Tip Junkie about a Coffee Table repair. Now I don't have a coffee table in need of repair, but the info might come in handy some day. Like if I saw a totally awesome coffee table on the side of the road for free because it needed repair. If that ever happened I would totally know what to do, so I hop over there to read it. Down at the bottom of the page there were some links to more articles on Second Hand Furniture Repair, and the one about file cabinet makeovers caught my eye. I actually just found the mother load of old file cabinets at the Habitat For Humanity Restore, and since I need more file cabinets, both at home and at my new office (yeah, the business now has a real office, more about that later), I really needed to know how to make file cabinets pretty, because sitting in an office with a bunch of banged up, dull gray file cabinets staring at me all day is surely a one way ticket to loony town.
I look at each makeover one by one and when I get to number six it takes me to this makeover by Sew Woodsy, she used Mod Podge to do hers and mentions Mod Podge Rocks and when you follow the link it takes you to a post about the filing cabinet makeover featured on Tip Junkie #3.
We've kinda gone full circle here.
Computer freaking out because you have 10 tabs open?
You might want to close a few. We aren't done yet.
Ok, where was I? Oh yeah, Mod Podge. So at this point I'm like "Whaa? There's a WHOLE blog dedicated to Mod Podge??? Really?? That's so Awesome!! I love me some Mod Podge". So I start poking around over there and get lost in ideas. She doesn't just have stuff about crafting and Mod Podge either, she has stuff about FOOD. Sweet food. Cake type food. My favorite kind of food. She's even doing a giveaway of the book Cake Pops by Bakerella. Which, if you hurry right over there before midnight EST you can totally still enter BTW, and no, writing a post about hers isn't required for entry, all you have to do is leave a comment. So of course I had to go check out Bakerella, and from there I found Cakespy, with not only recipes for yummy goodness but also the most adorable artwork featuring cupcakes. OMG. Yeah, and I'm so totally ordering THESE for my Christmas cards this year from her site.
Need a bucket yet?
After going off on that little side trip I went back to Mod Podge Rocks and finished exploring. I came across this Fall Canvas Craft Tutorial from My Blessed Life and after cruising her site for awhile came across her foyer makeover which is something else I really do need. Right now, this is what you see when you walk in my front door.
Hello Kibbles and Bits that the doggies spill out of their bowl onto the floor.
And then, if you turn to your right, you'll see this...
That would be the dreaded Flat Surface that collects crap, on the top of an attempt at shoe organization, next to a yet to be hung piece of art. In fact it's a framed collection of Picasso sketches I picked up at IKEA. Oh how I love that store. I have wanted these sketches forever, but they've always been out of my budget. This piece was a bargain at only $50 for the 5 sketches mounted and framed. The cheapest I have ever seen them was $10 each and that was unframed.
Here is a closer picture, except I accidentally cut off the owl. Ooops.
If you turn again you will see the front of the shoe organizer/junk collecting flat surface
Yuck. Isn't it.
First we've got the prison gray walls that I can't do much about since
A) This is a rental
B) Hubby hates painting
C) this particular area has cathedral ceilings which would require a really big ladder
(that we don't have) to reach the top of if I were to do it myself and finally
D) Hubby doesn't allow me to get on ladders.
Now before any of you go getting all feminist rights and
"OMG, he doesn't "ALLOW" her on a ladder",
just know it's for my own safety, I'm ok with it.
Those who know me in real life are busting up right now.
I trip over air.
I have no business being on a ladder.
Second, my shoe organizer. Made by Closet Maid, purchased at Target.
Now sure I would have loved to have a real piece of furniture to store the shoes in my entry way,
but that wasn't in my budget either and the shoes were out of control.
Third, the flat surface. Somewhere under that pile is a plastic storage tote that houses all the gloves and hats, but it's been buried under sweatshirts, shin guards,
and Halloween decorations that fell off our front windows.
Last, the dog kennel completes the stark jail house theme that's going on
and sweeping up Kibbles and Bits everyday is getting OLD.
Now I'm on a mission.
I can't do anything with the gray background,
but that doesn't mean I can't liven it up with colorful accent pieces.
That shoe organizer. It's going to get a Mod Podge makeover.
The flat surface is going to get accessorized to deter the flat surface dump.
Something better than a plastic storage tote is going to be devised for the hats and gloves.
The walls need stuff, but maybe not the Picasso piece.
It may be a little monochromatic for the space I now have pictured.
Maybe it should go over the door?
The dog kennel is going to be modified somehow to both make it pretty,
and keep the Kibbles and Bits inside.
Of course, I don't have any of the stuff I need for this project yet,
so it's time to start hitting up garage sales and thrift stores.
I'll keep you posted.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Summertime and Slimy Things
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Science Experiment Gone Wrong
Friday, October 8, 2010
Road Trip Part 2
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Road Trips and New Places