I'm back from my little vacation and I remember now why I don't like vacations. I never want to come back. It's like a tease. Like life is saying to me "Hey, this is what your life would be like if you were independently wealthy, but you're not, so HA HA, back to the grind you go". For three nights I stayed in a hotel where someone else made my bed and hung up my towel for me. I didn't have to cook because we ate out for every meal. The day I arrived I got to hang out on the movie set and met Kim Cattrall. Saturday the hubby and I went to an amusement park, something we hadn't done alone together since we first dated. Sunday we did a little outlet mall shopping and hung out. Monday the hubby had to be at work at 5:30 am, so I slept a little longer and then joined him at the set a while (like 4 hours) later. They were filming at this beautiful beach, some state park, on Lake Erie. It was gorgeous, but cold. I could have stayed there forever. We had lunch, and let me tell you, I love having lunch with the hubby at work. Movie catering is most excellent. I had some chicken with a cucumber sauce that I told the hubby he needed to get me the recipe for, veggies, and couscous. It was the best meal I had the whole trip. Then it was off to the airport. Sad goodbyes and hugs. Back to the rat race at home.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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